Our Mission: Compassionate service to people with mental health challenges and to their families, within and beyond the walls of our congregation.

Our Vision: to increase their hope, knowledge, and insight and help them find a sense of meaning in their lives.

Our Strategy: using fellowship, education, advocacy in the public arena, and honoring and deepening their spiritual lives.

Community Minister Rev. Barbara F. Meyers leads the Mental Health Ministry

Rev. Meyers has received a number of awards for the work of the Mental Health Ministry.

Programs of The Ministry:

There are four major components to the Mental Health Ministry:

Barbara serves as the Board President of the UU Mental Health Network a denominational organization with a mission to empower the Beloved Community in honoring each individual’s unique mental health journey towards wellness.

More on the programs of the ministry…

Our Community Minister, Rev. Barbara F. Meyers

Rev. Barbara F. Meyers, a member of our church since its founding in 1994, earned a Masters in Divinity from Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley in 2004 and returned to Fremont to launch a community ministry specializing in mental health.

Her entry into ministry marked a career change after working as a computer software engineer at IBM for 25 years. She holds a BA in Mathematics, an MS in Computer Science and PhD in Computer Science all from UCLA, and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Chaplaincy Institute in Berkeley. She holds a Certificate as a Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist in the State of California.

Rev. Meyers testifies in Sacramento on February 1, 2011 to a California Senate Budget Subcommittee about mental health funding

Read an interview of Rev. Meyers on MysticMag

The Mental Health ministry has close ties to the Mental Health Caucus, of EqUUal Access a UU accessibility group. For more information about Unitarian Universalist Community Ministry, see UU Community Ministry.

For more information, see:  Details from the Mental Health Ministry

Rev. Barbara Meyers can be reached by email at com_minister @ mpuuc.org.